Amiga Plus Special 23
AMIGAplus Sonderheft 23 (2000)(Falke)(DE)[!].iso
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INI File
78 lines
/* This is an example INI file of the ini.library which
shows how the INI configuration files can be used. It supports
multiple accesses. This file is always created if it can't be
accessed for any reason (usually when it doesn't exists) */
[Screen1] ; Up to 9 screens are allowed.
LeftEdge = 0 ; Left edge of screen.
TopEdge = 0 ; Top edge of screen.
Width = 640 ; Width of screen.
Height = 256 ; Height of screen.
Depth = 4 ; Use 2^Depth colors.
ViewMode = 0x8000 ; Screen view mode (lores, hires, etc.)
Title = Example INI Test Screen © 1999 by Basty/Seasons ; Default title
ColorTable = 0x000, 0xFFF, 0x777, 0xCCC, ; Color table entries.
0x444, 0x555, 0x666, 0x888, ; There are 2^Depth entries
0x111, 0x222, 0xAAA, 0x333, ; required. Further entries
0x999, 0xDDD, 0xEEE, 0xBBB, ; will be ignored.
* Now we configure the windows to be opened. Please note that the windows
* are assigned using the 'Screen' context item.
LeftEdge = 0 ; Left edge of window.
TopEdge = 0 ; Top edge of window.
Width = 640 ; Width of window.
Height = 256 ; Height of window.
IDCMP = 0x00020000 ; IDCMP flags of window.
Flags = 0x0000100F ; Default window flags.
Title = Example INI Test Window © 1999 by Basty/Seasons ; Default title
Screen = 1 ; Screen to open window on. 0 is workbench screen
MinWidth = 32
MinHeight = 32
MaxWidth = 640
MaxHeight = 256
LeftEdge = 0 ; Left edge of window.
TopEdge = 16 ; Top edge of window.
Width = 640 ; Width of window.
Height = 64 ; Height of window.
IDCMP = 0x00020000 ; IDCMP flags of window.
Flags = 0x0000100F ; Default window flags.
Title = Small window #2 ; Default title
Screen = 1 ; Screen to open window on. 0 is workbench screen
MinWidth = 32
MinHeight = 32
MaxWidth = 640
MaxHeight = 64
LeftEdge = 0 ; Left edge of window.
TopEdge = 80 ; Top edge of window.
Width = 640 ; Width of window.
Height = 64 ; Height of window.
IDCMP = 0x00020000 ; IDCMP flags of window.
Flags = 0x0000100F ; Default window flags.
Title = Small window #3 ; Default title
Screen = 1 ; Screen to open window on. 0 is workbench screen
MinWidth = 32
MinHeight = 32
MaxWidth = 640
MaxHeight = 64
LeftEdge = 0 ; Left edge of window.
TopEdge = 144 ; Top edge of window.
Width = 640 ; Width of window.
Height = 64 ; Height of window.
IDCMP = 0x00020000 ; IDCMP flags of window.
Flags = 0x0000100F ; Default window flags.
Title = Small window #4 ; Default title
Screen = 1 ; Screen to open window on. 0 is workbench screen
MinWidth = 32
MinHeight = 32
MaxWidth = 640
MaxHeight = 64